Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A little about us

Name: Kayla

Age: 21

Birthday:July 9

Sex: Female

Location: Calgary AB, Canada

Relationship Status:
Just me and my baby boy

~All About You~

Tell us about yourself; include hobbies,talents, ambitions, fears
I am a single mom. I work 30 hours a week at a liquorstore. I am hoping to be going into school for makeup artistry as it is my main passion. My favorite artists are HIM, 69 Eyes, Christian Kane, Mudvayne and a few others. I love cuddling with my son and going out with him. He is my entire life. I have 8 piercings and 3 tattoos. Planning to get more of both as soon as possible. I love to cuddle up and watch movies or sit on my computer while my son is sleeping and I am not at work. I love dressing up and going out with my friends on the last Thursday of the month for a regular industrial night.

Write about a world issue you feel strongly about.
A world issue I feel strongly about, is the discrimination of young parents. Yes, I do understand that some people are TOO young to be having children but they still are. But just because some of the younger generation is horrible at parenting, does not mean that ALL are. I feel so strongly about this subject because I myself am a young mom. When I was 18, I found out I was pregnant. No, it was not the smartest thing I have done in my life, but I do not regret it one bit. It wasn't until almost 2 months after my 19th birthday that I had my son. No matter how old you are, you are never fully ready for a child. I have seen 35 year olds have children for the first time and they were worse at parenting than 18 year olds I know with children. Just because you are young does not mean you are going to screw up on it. One day I was waiting outside of walmart with my son, waiting for a friend. I was happy, my son was happy. Everything was great. That was until an older gentleman (don't really want to call him that because he was the total opposite of a gentleman yet I will do it to be polite) walked past me. As he walked by he looked at me and said "I feel sorry for your mother. You should have had an abortion". Once I realized he was talking to me, I nearly cried. My son was clothed, fed, happy, and clean. There was no reason for the guy to be so harsh to me other than me being a young mom. I get glared at and constantly called a whore for being a young mom. Another time, I was getting onto the bus, or more of trying to, but the bus driver wouldn't lower it so I could get the stroller on. I politely asked him to and he replied to me "It's called exercise, learn how to do it." So I struggled getting onto the bus with the stroller. Later on a lady in her early 30's got on with a stroller and guess what, he lowered it for her. I believe it was for the fact that I am younger that he felt he should not help me. For a while, I wore a ring from my ex on my ring finger because it made it look like I was married and people left me alone for the most part. The problem is, I know that I am not the only person going through this and I know that many are not taking it even half as well as I am. It seems to be more of the generation in their mid 50's - 70's that is the hardest on young moms. If you asked them though, It is almost guaranteed that their parents had them, or their first born child, at a young age. It bothers me knowing that as little as 60 years ago it was okay and normal to have children at the age of 18 and now it is a hugely frowned upon subject.

Name: Kat

Age: 21

Birthday:June 10

Sex: Female

Location: Beacon, NY, USA

Relationship Status:
In a very loving relationship

~All About You~

Tell us about yourself; include hobbies,talents, ambitions, fears
I am a cosmetologist. Just recently took my licensing exam and am waiting for my results. I Love Makeup and Hair, but Makeup is my true passion. I sing an play guitar as well. A few of my favorite Bands are HIM, The 69 eyes, Nightwish, Within Temptation, The rasmus and many more. I could go on forever with just my Favorites!! I love my boyfriend to death. We've been together 10 months. I'm afraid of Spiders and cat's but I have to learn to like cat's cause my boyfriend has 2.

Write about a world issue you feel strongly about.
I am a huge advocate for Gay Rights. I have a lot of friends who are gay, and I feel that they should have the same rights as anyone else. Just Because they are gay doesn't mean that they can't serve in the Army or have health benefits. I plan on working alongside my Friend Nate who was recently discharged from the Army for being gay. Being gay doesn't make you unable to do your job. I also feel that they should have a right to Marry. The government need to stop being Pricks and just leave the gay community be and allow them to have to same rights as anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kat! I am also terrified of spiders. So scared I can't even kill them. I have been known (twice actually) to pay our 8 yr old neighbor to come kill a bug. (Hubby wasn't home) Cat- I am defintly a cat person. LOVE THEM!
    Gay rights..I am so on board with them! I think gays are treated poorly. I just don't understand why its a big deal. Its their life. As long as they are happy...who the fuck cares!?! I am a big supporter on gay rights. (I tell my family, if my husband dies first...I will defintly be gay. NO MORE MEN FOR ME! LOL)
